Hello! I was hoping to get some pointers from people a little smarter than myself on how to troubleshoot a Resource Pack that wont load.
I'm running a Paper server on 1.21.1, with Itemsadder 4.0.2 alpha test 7.
Itemsadder itself is loading, and functionality such as loot drops etc. all seem to be working properly, but I can't for the life of me figure out why my Resource Pack wont load.
I'm guessing there are some compatibility issues with some of my content packs..?
Anyways, I'm hoping for some pointers on how to proceed with troubleshooting my faulty RP, namely…
Is it possible this is still a compatibility issue with IA? Or is it definitely an error with my RP?
How can I find out if it's an error with one of my content packs? What sort of errors would I look for?
Were there any formatting changes that I need to make to my item YMLs to make them compatible?
I'm in the middle of transitioning from ModelEngine to FreeMinecraftModels… Could this be causing any issues?
And… Well, any other tips anyone might have? I'm trying to get better at finding and resolving these issue independently so I don't keep wasting the Dev's time asking unnecessary question.
I do notice some errors when Zipping my RP, mostly "Duplicate Entry" errors and "No Loots found in file" errors. I also see 1 "unknown item result" error.
Thanks in advance for any and all help!