Hello, before asking the question, I've searched around the forum with the keywords "translate", "translation","i18n","locales", "localization" and found nothing to fix my issue.
I've been thinking that ItemsAdder supports i18n by loading the translations from the client language setting, is that the case ?
I've created two files :
- contents\amethystarmorset\configs\dictionaries\fr.yml
- contents\amethystarmorset\configs\dictionaries\en.yml
With the following content :
Note : my items "display_name" properties are correctly set to the property names in the dictionary.
However, despite rebuilding the ressourcepack and restarting the server, my Items keeps the english name and aren't displayed in french when the client lang is set to French.
Isn't there an "auto" setting in this config section ?
Technical informations :
IA version 3.6.4-release-2
Server software : Paper 1.20.1 (196)
Behavior tested on Vanilla client 1.20.1